"The Pass of the Oaks"
City Council Regular Meeting Agenda

Council Chamber 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles

The City has returned to hybrid public meetings pursuant to AB 361, which allows for a deviation from the teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. Residents now have the option to attend the meeting in person or to participate remotely.  To participate remotely, residents can livestream the meeting at, and call (805)865-7276 to provide public comment via phone. The phone line will open just prior to the start of the meeting and remain open throughout the meeting to ensure the opportunity to comment on each item heard by the Council.

Written public comments can be submitted via email to [email protected] prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the Council meeting to be posted as an addendum to the Agenda. If submitting written comments in advance of the meeting, please note the agenda item by number or name. 

City Council meetings will be live-streamed during the meeting and also available to play later on YouTube by accessing the following link:

Any writing or document pertaining to an open session item on this agenda which is distributed to a majority of the City Council after the posting of this agenda will be available for public inspection at the time the subject writing or document is distributed.  The writing or document will be available for public review in the City Clerk’s Office, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA, during normal business hours, and may be posted on the City’s web site at

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Any individual, who because of a disability needs special assistance to attend or participate in this meeting, may request assistance by contacting the City Clerk’s Office (805) 237-3960.  Whenever possible, requests should be made four (4) working days in advance of the meeting.








Kim McGrew, Atheists United of San Luis Obispo 



Councilmember Bausch, Councilmember Gregory, Councilmember Strong, Mayor Pro Tem Hamon, Mayor Martin 





Ditas Esperanza, Capital Projects Engineer

Jonthan Stornetta, Fire Chief 



This is the time the public may address the Council on items within the Council’s purview but not scheduled on the agenda. All persons desiring to speak on an agenda item are asked to fill out Speaker Information Cards and give them to the City Clerk prior speaking. Each individual speaker will be limited to a presentation total of three (3) minutes per item. Those persons wishing to speak on any item scheduled on the agenda will be given an opportunity to do so at the time that item is being considered. State law does not allow the Council to discuss or take action on issues not on the agenda, except that members of the Council or staff may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by persons exercising their public testimony rights (Gov. Code sec. 54954.2).





ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE, NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION. However, if discussion is wanted by a member of the Council or public the item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. Councilmembers and members of the public may offer comments or ask questions of clarification without removing an item from the Calendar. Individual items are approved by the vote that approves the Consent Calendar unless an item is pulled for separate consideration.  Items pulled from consent will be heard at the end of the meeting.

Melissa Boyer, City Clerk
CEQA Determination: The City find that this action is not a project under the California Environmental
Recommendation:  Reaffirm Resolution 23-018 allowing for the continuation of hybrid remote (teleconference)/in-person public meetings citywide pursuant to the requirements of AB 361.

Katie Banister, Associate Planner 
CEQA Determination: The Council certified Mitigated Negative Declaration SCH 2022090384, which contains mitigation measures that will reduce the environmental impact of the project to a less than significant level.
Recommendation:  It is recommended that City Council adopt Ordinance 1132, amending the City’s zoning map to expand the Highway-Oriented Sign overlay district to include 2805 Theatre Drive.

Brian Cowen, City Engineer
CEQA Determination: Acceptance of Parcel Map PR 22-0022 for Recordation is consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project certified by the City Council by Resolution 23-014.
1. Approve Resolution 23-XXX, accepting Parcel Map PR 22-0022 and the avigation easement for recordation, and accepting a 12.00 foot offer of dedication for road purposes.
2. Approve Resolution 23-XXX, accepting the Dodd Offer to Dedicate and authorizing the City Manager to record a certificate of acceptance, and
3. Approve Resolution 23-XXX, certifying the American Way Offer to Dedicate and authorizing the City Manager to record a certificate of acceptance.

Brian Cowen, City Engineer
CEQA Determination: The subdivision is categorically exempt from CEQA as certified by the Planning Commission with Resolution PC 22-017
Recommendation:  Accept Parcel Map PR 21-0191 for Recordation.

Dwayne Brown, Maintenance Services Superintendent 
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing the purchase of one Pierce Velocity Triple Combination Pumping Fire Engine with equipment listed herein and as included as part of the City’s FY 2024-25 Fleet Replacement Program.

Ditas Esperanza, Capital Projects Engineer
CEQA Determination: On July 25, 2018, the Community Development Department adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project and found that the Project would not have a significant effect on the environment after mitigation consistent with City’s adopted Local CEQA Guidelines. 
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing the City Manager to engage the services of North Coast Engineering to prepare the PS&E for Creston Road Phase 2, in the amount of $268,523.

Ditas Esperanza, Capital Projects Engineer
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 153-1, Existing Facilities.
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing the payment to PG&E to install five new streetlights along 24th Street between Oak and Spring Street in the amount of $137,474.13.

Kevin Wells, Assistant Capital Projects Manager
CEQA Determination:  The City finds that this action is categorically exempt under the Class 1 exemption (State CEQA Guidelines, § 15301).
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a construction contract with Raminha Construction in the amount of $1,376,540 to repair residential water services throughout the Sierra Bonita and Turtle Creek neighborhoods; and to authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to make any minor, technical, or non-substantive changes to the contract that are consistent with the Council action. 

Casey Shepherd, Wastewater Resources Manager
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with Cannon, for Engineering Services for a New Sewage Lift Station on Union Road, for an amount up to $230,762.

Mark Scandalis, Airport Manager  
CEQA Determination:  The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, authorizing City Manager execute the Lease Agreement, subject to any minor, technical, or non-substantive changed as approved by the City Manager and City Attorney.  

Ricky Lehr, Police Sergeant
CEQA Determination:  The City find that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (b)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Approve the annual military equipment report pursuant to AB 481.

Paul Patti, Battalion Chief/Fire Marshal
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Approve Resolution 23-XXX, confirming the cost report of abated parcels described in Exhibit A including the associated administrative fees and submit to the County Auditor-Controller.



Angelica Fortin, Community Services Director
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (c)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Receive and file ECHO’s third quarter report, direct staff to disburse the third payment in the amount of $55,500 and reconvene the ad hoc committee to reconsider ECHO’s funding request in light of the change in service model.

Ty Lewis, City Manager 
 Warren Frace, Community Development Director
CEQA Determination: The City finds that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (b)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  Provide support and receive and file the Regional Housing and Infrastructure Plan, consistent with the 2020 San Luis Obispo Countywide Regional Compact. 





Paso Robles Development Review Committee July 24, 2023, 3:30 PM
Paso Robles Development Review Committee July 31, 2023, 3:30 PM
Paso Robles City Council Meeting August 1, 2023, 6:30 PM 


No Item Selected