"The Pass of the Oaks"
City Council Agenda Addendum

Council Chamber 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles

The City has returned to hybrid public meetings pursuant to AB 361, which allows for a deviation from the teleconference rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. Residents now have the option to attend the meeting in person or to participate remotely.  To participate remotely, residents can livestream the meeting at, and call (805)865-7276 to provide public comment via phone. The phone line will open just prior to the start of the meeting and remain open throughout the meeting to ensure the opportunity to comment on each item heard by the Council.  City Council meetings will be live-streamed during the meeting and also available to play later on YouTube by accessing the following link:


Any writing or document pertaining to an open session item on this agenda which is distributed to a majority of the City Council after the posting of this agenda will be available for public inspection at the time the subject writing or document is distributed.  The writing or document will be available for public review in the City Clerk’s Office, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA, during normal business hours, and may be posted on the City’s web site at

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Any individual, who because of a disability needs special assistance to attend or participate in this meeting, may request assistance by contacting the City Clerk’s Office (805) 237-3960.  Whenever possible, requests should be made four (4) working days in advance of the meeting.




Damian Nord, Police Chief
CEQA Determination: The City find that this action is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to State Guidelines Section State CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15060, subd. (b)(2)-(3), 15378.
Recommendation:  It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions:
1.    Authorize the City Manager to execute the contract renewal with Flowbird to include ongoing hardware services, on-site maintenance services two times per year, and digital services including mobile application and pay by text with a fixed annual cost not to exceed $66,605 plus variable transaction fees and authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney to make minor, technical and non-substantive changes to the agreement as necessary with the Council’s overall intent;
2.    Approve a 12-month Resident Pilot Parking Program that provides residents with five free hours of parking per month; and
3.    Approve a 12-month Pilot Merchant Validation Parking Program that provides downtown merchants the ability to prepurchase parking hours at a 50% discounted parking rate.